Monday, November 06, 2006

My Mom - May She Stand in Peace.

We're high-tailing it out of Sodom.

"Don't look back, Don't look back!" My bastard father keeps yelling.

Who cares what the hell he thinks. Just last night he was ready to throw me to the dogs of Sodom for a free-for-all on me, and now we're running as fast as we can.

Don't know why, but I didn't look back when the flash came.

Perhaps I was happy those good-for-nothing gays in Sodom would finally get what was coming to them.

Maybe my mom forgot something or was longing for someone still there.

In a heartbeat, she went from being my mother who loved me, cared for me, and who chewed out my dad for offering me to the crowd last a godamn pillar of...salt.

Between last night and this morning, I'm still trying to digest everything that's happened in my life.

There's no one left anywhere.

Just my dad, my sister and me.

My mind is reeling an I can't think straight.

Our father is pulling us towards that mountain where he says there's a cave we can seek shelter in. I don't want to hear his voice or see him, but right now I'm too mentally exhausted to ignore him.

Update you soon.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You poor, poor dear.

What a delicious concept for a blog!

3:42 PM  
Blogger Tzipporah said...

We Biblical moms have always had a tough time... Just trust yourself, dear, you'll do fine.

9:41 AM  
Blogger Carmen O. said...

Hey - which daughter are you? The older or the younger?

And, if you knew the sodomites were all after male tail, why do you care that your father offered you to them? It was just a stall tactic. Cut the man some slack. Ever since he left Uncle Abe's camp, he's been adrift and alone. alternately seduced and revolted by the glitter of fortune and fame.

Last night, at least, he found a spark of his old self - the self that had some purpose and dignity in this world. Was it twisted? Sure. Is HE twisted? Yes. But the spark is there, and he gave it to you and your sister, too.

1:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carmen O-- I realize this is an extended tanach joke, but i hope you don't really agree with what you said.

3:34 PM  
Blogger Elie said...

Rebeca m said...

Carmen O-- I realize this is an extended tanach joke, but i hope you don't really agree with what you said.

I think when Carmen said "Last night, at least, he found a spark of his old self - the self that had some purpose and dignity in this world", she was referring to Lot's taking a personal risk to protect his guests. The rash (and hopefully bluffing) offer of his daughters notwithstanding, at least he learned some measure of the importance of hospitality from his uncle.

6:44 AM  
Blogger Lot's Daughter said...

Elie: I don't think he was bluffing. Besides, there are some thing you just DON'T do!

Carmen: I'm the older (supposedly smarter) daughter. Duh. Not anymore.

I feel SO stupid!

Tzipporah: Thanks honey. Appreciate your vote of support.

Lady Delish: pleasure! And thanks for being the FIRST one to comment.

7:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

uh about that old wine in the corner, I KNOW what your thinking. What you do is your business, but just remember as a biblical figure, everything is gonna get recorded for millenia.

Go slow.

1:39 PM  

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